Fields Law Firm
Win-Win Guarantee®
You Pay Nothing Unless We Win Your Case
Hiring a lawyer might seem too costly, and you may be hesitant to contact an attorney for help. At Fields Law Firm we have our Win-Win Guarantee® which can help put your mind at ease.
It’s a simple promise that means there are no upfront costs for having an attorney — we only get paid if you get paid. We believe everyone deserves the right to have an attorney on their side without the worry of legal bills while we are fighting for your benefits.
With our Win-Win Guarantee®, you don’t have to wait to have a lawyer on your side – protecting your rights. You get the benefit of being able to choose the best attorney for your situation with no risk, giving you the best chance to win your case. It’s a win-win solution for you.
How Our Disability Attorneys Can Help
A rehabilitation assistant had a great career and loved her work. Unfortunately, over time she developed fibromyalgia, cervical degenerative disc disease, degenerative joint disease, and arthritis. Although her job was similar in nature to a receptionist, she was forced to stop working due to her disabilities.
Worried about her future, she applied for both Short Term and Long Term Disability benefits from her disability insurer, as well as social security disability benefits from the government. Regrettably, her Social Security Disability application was denied. To make matters worse, although the disability insurance company initially granted her Short Term Disability benefits, she received a denial letter in the mail after receiving benefits for only a few months terminating both the Short Term benefits she was living on and denying the Long Term Disability benefits she had applied for.
Workers’ Compensation and Disability Attorneys
Our client was a Marine Corps Veteran who worked for a telecommunications company. He climbed towers to lift and install heavy radio, fiber optics, and cell network infrastructure around the Midwest. He lived in Illinois, but his work took him across the country, including almost a year in Minnesota.
At one work site in Minnesota, he had to maneuver hundreds of pounds of heavy cable through a narrow passage and hurt his left shoulder badly. Because he was away from home and his crew was behind on projects, he was not able to get treatment right away, so he continued to work. At another work site, our client and other employees had to balance a 600-pound radio cabinet, but it fell. This accident exacerbated his shoulder problem and caused torn ligaments in both wrists. He could no longer work so he returned home to Illinois for treatment.