Cases We’ve Won For Our Workers’ Compensation Clients

Statewide Workers’ Compensation Law Firm

Fields Law Firm has a proven track record of winning. When you are hurt at work, the attorneys you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case and get the benefits you deserve.
Every day, our lawyers help people across Minnesota recover benefits, and with our All-in-One Injury Solution we have the legal team to handle additional claims that can help maximize your recovery, while at the same time looking out for your long-term interests.

Here are just a few of our Workers’ Compensation winning results.

$115,000 – John – Bloomington, Minnesota

A Minnesota sanitation worker stepped off of a truck and into a pothole. He suffered a serious break of his foot and was unable to work. He filed a claim and was paid workers compensation benefits through his employer. He knew from other co-workers that workers compensation insurers often change their minds on paying out benefits, so he retained Fields Law Firm to monitor his claim. If the insurer changed their mind or said he could return to work while he was still injured, Fields attorneys would advocate for him.

After a few months of receiving benefits, the insurance company could not get a report from our client’s treating physician and said they were cutting off benefits. Our attorneys jumped into action and provided a different doctor who could give the report. They also stayed in touch with the insurance company to aggressively advocate for our client who was still out of work. Our client and the insurance company both agreed to mediate the decision. Fields attorneys negotiated a generous lump-sum settlement for our client. Our client was impressed with the professional representation Fields Law Firm provided and is very happy with his settlement check.

$120,000 – Steve – Maple Grove, Minnesota

A 47-year-old engineer injured his back in a fluke accident at work, where his chair moved out from under him as he was trying to sit down. The man fell into a wall and then onto the ground. He required surgery and missed substantial time from work. Initially, the workers’ compensation insurer paid for his medical bills and wage loss.

Eventually the man returned to work, but continued to suffer from chronic back pain. Several years later, he wanted to get treatment for his chronic back pain, which stemmed from his work injury. However, the workers’ compensation insurer refused to pay for treatment, specifically, a spinal cord stimulator.

The man thought that the spinal cord stimulator was his last resort in terms of pain relief. He turned to Fields Law Firm for help. We obtained a written opinion from his surgeon, outlining the necessity for the spinal cord stimulator. The workers’ compensation insurer continued to fight. Eventually we were able to reach a compromise with the workers compensation insurer, where they paid for a portion of the surgery. We were also able to get some money into our client’s pocket for the time he missed from work and for future wage loss that he could incur in the future.

$125,000 – Sheryl – St. Paul, Minnesota

Our team represented a woman who sustained a leg injury while carrying cement bricks in her position as a laborer for a large construction company. As result of her work injury, the woman suffered a permanent partial disability and needed retraining in order to make a wage commensurate with what she earned before her work injury. Our team fought the insurance company to make sure the client was compensated for all of these expenses. The final settlement amount in this case was $125,000.