Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against Various Insurers

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against various insurers.

We've got you covered

Dennis – Mixer Driver for a Concrete Company – Louisburg, North Carolina

Chronic Back Pain, Bilateral Knee Pain

A man working as a mixer driver for a concrete company became disabled from doing this job due to chronic back and bilateral knee pain. His diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea also contributed to his disability. The insurance company initially paid him Long Term Disability benefits. However, AIG abruptly discontinued his benefits based on an Employability Assessment it conducted, which stated that our client could perform gainful employment based on his lack of restrictions and limitations, as well as his education, transferable skills, work history and residual capacity.

The disabled worker sought out Fields Law Firm for assistance in his appeal. Our team was able to spot critical errors made by AIG when it discontinued our client’s benefits. In preparing the Employability Assessment, the insurance company had based the analysis of his workability on a misleading report from a doctor. This doctor had released our client to work with no restrictions, but he only based his decision on the resolution of a temporary shoulder injury our client suffered from. The doctor did not consider our client’s disabling conditions, for which he was approved for benefits in the first place.

The Fields Law attorneys prepared a strong appeal exposing the insurance company’s mistakes, leaving AIG no choice but to reverse its decision and reinstate our client’s Long Term Disability benefits.

Angela – Classroom Teacher – Minneapolis, Minnesota

Head Injury

A Minnesota employee had worked as Classroom Teacher for a public school before becoming disabled after suffering a head injury following a motor vehicle accident. By an impersonal letter, her Long Term Disability insurance carrier notified this teacher that her disability benefits were denied because she no longer met the definition of disability. Voya claimed that there was no medical evidence to support her inability to perform the Material and Substantial duties of her Regular Occupation.

Upset at her sudden loss of income, she called Fields Law for help appealing Voya’s decision. The attorneys at Fields Law contacted our client’s doctors to compile reports of all of her symptoms and treatments, as well as narrative reports. After submitting her appeal, Voya reversed its previous decision and issued a check for the months it failed to pay this teacher.

Carol – Child Support Officer – Isanti, Minnesota

Lower Extremity Lymphedema

After being diagnosed with lower extremity lymphedema, a woman who worked as a Child Support Officer became unable to work. She applied for disability benefits but was unfortunately denied. The condition she battled caused severe swelling in her legs that affected her gait and her ability to balance, which caused her to fall frequently. She also suffered from depression and had significant cognitive impairments, including memory problems and inability to concentrate.

She was confused and distraught about the denial of her benefits. She knew she needed to appeal but was unsure of the process because her insurance policy was complex. The attorneys at Fields Law helped with her case from beginning to end. We reached out to three of our client’s treating physicians to get the information needed to reverse the insurance company’s denial. Our client found peace in knowing that she would not have to worry about paying her bills.