Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against The Hartford

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against The Hartford.

We've got you covered

Carmen – Personnel Officer for the State – Le Center, Minnesota

Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks, Bipolar 1 Disorder, ADHD

A woman who worked for many years as a personnel officer for the state of Minnesota was unable to continue to work due to a number of serious and debilitating mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, panic attacks, bipolar 1 disorder, and ADHD. The insurance company accepted her claim and paid her Long Term Disability benefits for two years under the own occupation definition of disability.

After two years, The Hartford discontinnued benefits under the any occupation definition of disability. Despite the claimant’s continuing impairments and limitations, The Hartford discontinued her benefits based on an Independent Review Report prepared by a doctor who reviewed her medical records.

Confused and distraught about The Hartford’s action, she called Fields Law Firm for help. Our team immediately began working on an appeal to fight The Hartford’s discontinuation of benefits. We argued they had ignored important parts of our client’s records, which showed that her condition had not improved and that she continued to suffer from limitations that make her disabled from any occupation. The appeal was a success, and The Hartford reinstated our client’s Long Term Disability benefits. Our client was put at ease, knowing that she would have financial security despite her disabling mental health conditions.

Gail – Corrections Officer – Hartland, Maine

Degenerative Disc Disease; Post-laminectomy Syndrome

A Correction Officer from Maine was unable to work due to a failed spine surgery. She applied for and received Long Term Disability benefits from an insurance policy provided by her employer. She received benefits for two years. However, The Hartford terminated her benefits when the definition of disability switched from her Own Occupation to Any Occupation. The Hartford had hired a doctor who never met nor examined her, and who stated that she was not prevented from working a sedentary occupation.

Not knowing how to fight the insurance company by herself and in dire financial straits, she reached out to Fields Law Firm. Our attorneys reviewed all of her records and crafted a fantastic strategy for proving the insurer wrong. After submitting the appeal, it didn’t take long for The Hartford to realize there was no way for them to maintain their denial. We quickly received a full-reversal of the insurance company’s denial in writing, and our client received her backpay and her ongoing benefits.

Brian – Dispatcher – Waipahu, Hawaii

Chronic Pain Disorder, Cervical Myelopathy, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Spinal Stenosis with Myopathy, Failed Back Surgery, Back Pain, Major Depression, Severe Anxiety, Insomnia

A dispatcher at Disney World Services became disabled and unable to work. He was approved for and received Short Term Disability benefits, which ran from his date of disability, through its exhaustion. After the expiration of his Short Term benefits, he became eligible for Long Term Disability benefits from his policy’s carrier. He applied for Long Term Disability benefits, but his application was denied because The Hartford determined he did not meet the Definition of Disability.

Upset at his sudden loss of income, he called Fields Law for help appealing The Hartford’s decision. The attorneys at Fields Law contacted our client’s doctors to compile reports of all of his symptoms and treatments. Our attorneys and submitted a comprehensive appeal. After a short period of time, The Hartford decided to overturn its previous denial of benefits, and retroactively paid our client back all his Long Term Disability benefits immediately.