Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against The Hartford

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against The Hartford.

We've got you covered

Maryanne – Staffing Agent – Lockport, New York

Spinal Stenosis in the Lumbar Region, Cervical Disc Disorder, Radiculopathy, Lumbar Laminectomy

A Staffing Agent from New York was a valued employee prior to becoming disabled. She suffered from spinal stenosis in the lumbar region, cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy and lumbar laminectomy. By a two-page letter, her insurer notified her that, after reviewing her claim, her Long Term Disability benefits were denied because her own occupation required sedentary level work, which The Hartford believed she could perform.

Upset with this denial of Long Term Disability benefits, she called Fields Law to help her appeal the denial decision. The attorneys at Fields Law contacted our client’s doctors to compile reports of all of her symptoms and treatments. Her attorneys reviewed her Functional Capacity Evaluation, which determined she was unable to perform sedentary work. The Fields Law attorneys submitted an appeal stressing and comparing the FCE to the physical requirements outlined in the Staffing Agent/Manager Client Programmer job description. They pointed out that only one conclusion can be reached; she was unable to perform the material duties of her own occupation, due to both the lifting requirements as well as prolonged standing, and walking requirements. The Hartford agreed, reversed its denial of benefits, and began making monthly payments immediately.

Peter – Network Communications Tech – Port Jefferson, New York

Neck Pain, Back Pain, Hip Pain, Complications from Back and Hip Surgery, Cognitive Issues

A Network Communications Technician from New York was in a car accident. Because of the accident, he had two spinal fusions and microfracture surgery on his hip. He also suffered memory issues and trouble concentrating after the accident. He was forced to stop working and received Long Term Disability benefits through his employee benefits plan. The Hartford sent him a letter after seven years of benefits that stated he would no longer receive benefits because he could return to work.

He contacted Fields Law for help. Our team contacted all our client’s treating physicians and obtained a comprehensive medical history. We contacted physicians for additional medical reports supporting our client’s case. Our attorneys reviewed the medical records and drafted a strong appeal to the insurer. The Hartford changed their mind and our client received a lump-sum payment for back-pay and ongoing monthly benefits.

Melissa – Accountant Manager – Bronxville, New York

Depression, Fatigue, Anxiety

An accountant manager from New York began experiencing intense bouts of anxiety and depression. She became so fatigued from her constant mental health struggles that she could no longer concentrate at work. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits but was denied because the insurance company said that she could return to work.

Worried about her lost income and still unable to work, she called Fields Law for help. Our team obtained the full claim file from The Hartford and our attorneys scoured the record for places where they had made legal or factual errors. Our attorneys drafted a strong appeal to The Hartford based on updated medical records, expert testimony, and strong legal research. The Hartford overturned their denial decision and our client received a lump-sum check for back pay and ongoing monthly benefits.