Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against The Hartford

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against The Hartford.

We've got you covered

Shannon – Licensed Clinical Social Worker – Winter Springs, Florida

Anaphylactic Reactions

A Licensed Clinical Social Worker from Florida began suffering from unexplained anaphylactic reactions while at work. The reactions increased in intensity over time. Luckily, she already worked in a hospital, so she could receive appropriate care when she suffered an attack. However, the reactions eventually became too severe, and she was forced to leave work. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits from her policy’s carrier, but was denied. The Hartford claimed that, despite her reactions, she could continue to work in a hospital environment.

Upon receiving her denial letter, she went for help. She retained the lawyers at Fields Law Firm. Our team of attorneys began coordinating with her physicians to secure letters of support while she pursued specialized testing. Our attorneys built up an appeal to The Hartford’s decision, including diagnostic testing showing that our client’s reactions may have been caused by common cleaning chemicals, thereby eliminating the potential that she could return to work in most environments. Faced with the insurmountable evidence that their prior determination was incorrect, The Hartford soon overturned the decision, issued back benefits, and reinstated future benefits. Our client was very happy with the outcome and is now able to focus on the treatment of her rare condition.

Brian – Flight Attendant – Sun City, Arizona

HIV-Related Symptoms

A flight attendant from Arizona had been HIV-positive since 1992.  As a result of the diagnosis and the rigorous medication regimen he required, he suffered from chronic fatigue, neuropathy, Reynaud’s, and cognitive dysfunction.  He also suffered from chronic back pain due to degenerative disc disease. After 26 years of receiving Long Term Disability benefits, his claim was denied by The Hartford who asserted he had the functional capacity to perform occupations they had identified. Unsure of how to dispute the decision, he found the attorneys at Fields Disability.

After reviewing medical records from the insurer and obtaining updated medical records, our attorneys submitted a winning appeal.  The Hartford reversed their decision and reinstated the payment of monthly benefits.

Richard – Home Theater Install Technician – Mesa, Arizona

Chronic Back Pain, Neck Pain

A Home Theater Install Technician was unable to continue working due to disabling low back pain. Based on his disabilities, and his inability to work, he applied for Long Term Disability benefits, which were approved. He received benefits until his Long Term Disability claim was terminated by a letter. In the denial letter, it stated, without considering the claimant’s current and progressing disabilities, he was able to perform the essential duties of Any Occupation.

The Fields Law attorneys collected all the medical records and opinions of our client’s doctors and submitted a comprehensive appeal. After receiving the appeal, The Hartford was forced to agree our client was disabled and reinstated benefits immediately.