Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Texas
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Texas.
Renita – Pharmacy Technician – Humble, Texas
Degenerative Disc Disease, Right Knee Chondromalacia, Status Post Right Lateral Meniscus Repair and Total Knee Arthroplasty, Memory Loss, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath, Unstable Gait, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Ketoacidosis Episodes, Acute Renal Failure, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Anemia
A Pharmacy Technician was removed from all work activities due to a work-related injury to the right knee. She decided to apply for Long Term Disability benefits, which was offered by her employer, and was initially approved by the insurance company. Prudential later terminated her benefits because they claimed that there was insufficient medical information supporting continued disability. She attempted to produce the medical information Prudential was looking for, but was informed that the information submitted was still not sufficient to support restrictions and limitations.
Upset that she was unable to get Prudential to change their position on her claim, she decided to contact the attorneys at Fields Law Firm. The attorneys at Fields Law acquired all of our client’s medical records, functional reports, and vocational analysis reports. After accumulating the supporting information, the attorneys at Fields Law drafted an appeal which articulated the inadequacies of Prudential’s analysis of our client’s claim. After they received the appeal, Prudential decided to overturn their previous decision to terminate benefits and paid our client back for all of the months that were outstanding.
Debra – Chemical Dependency Case Manager – Marcus, Texas
COPD, Chronic Pain
“A Chemical Dependency Case Manager was unable to work, but had moved to Texas because the warm weather helped her COPD and joint pain. While she was working on establishing relationships with her new treating providers in Texas, The Hartford terminated her disability benefits.
Fields Law Firm assisted by appealing the determination on her behalf. Our attorneys ordered updated medical records and requested support from our client’s new doctors. The updated information was submitted to The Hartford, and, after a brief review, her benefits were successfully reinstated.”
Cynthia – Law Office Manager – Friendswood, Texas
Chronic Pain, Insomnia, Depression
A law office manager began experiencing lower-body pain. Eventually, she could not stay sitting for more than a few minutes at a time. Her pain severely interfered with her sleep. She was forced to stop working and she was initially approved for Long Term Disability benefits and received monthly benefits for almost two years. The payments abruptly stopped because Prudential said she no longer fit their definition of disabled.
Upset and worried about her lost income, she contacted Fields Law for assistance. The Fields Law attorneys contacted four of our client’s treating physicians and obtained updated medical reports. Our attorneys also scoured Prudential’s denial documents and discovered they ignored recommendations from one of our client’s doctors. After researching the medical record and the file, our attorneys submitted a strong appeal. Prudential overturned their original decision and reinstated benefits for our client.