Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in South Carolina

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in South Carolina.

We've got you covered

Bobby – Railroad Surveyor – Casey, South Carolina

Heart Condition

A railroad surveyor developed a heart condition which resulted in severe weakness and fatigue, and unfortunately, placed him at extreme risk of myocardial infarction or sudden cardiac death. The job of a surveyor is highly risky because the job requires consistent standing and walking, and perhaps more significantly, lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling objects in excess of 60 lbs. He also has to constantly walk and stand, and frequently climb, which places extreme stress on his heart. Shockingly, despite his condition and his physically demanding job description, CIGNA refused to grant disability payments and told him he had no choice but to continue working, despite the extreme risk to his health.

Having never worked with attorneys before, he reluctantly hired Fields Law, who comforted him and guided him through the process of filing an appeal of his Long Term Disability denial. The Fields Law attorneys worked with medical providers, collected and assembled all medical records and supportive reports, and filed an appeal. CIGNA reversed their denial and awarded Long Term Disability payments. Our client is hoping to return to work but, in the meantime, has the necessary finances to meet his needs.

Frankie – Warehouse Specialist – Nesmith, South Carolina


A Warehouse Specialist from South Carolina suffered from severe and unrelenting Gout. His treating providers took him off of work and he applied for Long Term Disability benefits through his employer’s plan. Regrettably, Sun Life Financial denied his application asserting his claim was both barred as pre-existing and, even if that were not the case, his condition was not severe enough to qualify for his disability benefits.

He reached out to Fields Law for help fighting this incorrect decision. Our team was able to establish through medical records, narrative reports, and procedural filings that our client’s claim was not barred as pre-existing. Additionally, we established that our client more than satisfied the relevant policy’s definition of disabled. After reviewing our appeal, Sun Life Financial reversed its decision and paid our client his entire benefit.

Carissa – Assistant Manager – Simpsonville, South Carolina

Fibromyalgia, Anxiety, Depression

An assistant manager at a large outlet store handled everything from payroll, scheduling, to unloading shipments in the warehouse. When she developed fibromyalgia, it exacerbated her depression and anxiety resulting in a complete inability to work. She submitted a claim to her disability insurance carrier, who determined she was not disabled from her job.

She found Fields Law Fim and hired us to file an appeal on her behalf and challenge the wrongful denial. We secured a report from the client’s treating provider that outlined the difficulties she would have with her work as an assistant manager. Our attorneys assembled the medical information and filed an appeal with Sun Life Financial. After reviewing our client’s case, Sun Life Financial approved her claim.