Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against Prudential

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against Prudential.

We've got you covered

Robert – Regional Sales Manager – Lake Orion, Michigan

Chronic Dizziness, Instability, Cognitive Difficulties, Memory Loss

A Regional Sales Manager from Michigan developed a strange cognitive condition where he would suffer from chronic dizziness, instability and memory loss. Unable to work any longer due to his disabilities, he left work and applied for disability benefits from his insurance carrier. Prudential denied his application for both Short Term Disabillity and Long Term Disability benefits.

Knowing he needed help to appeal Prudential’s decision, he hired Fields Law. The Fields Law team of attorneys began gathering the necessary documentation for compiling his appeal. They acquired updated medical records from his providers and wrote to all of his primary doctors, asking for letters of support. We then drafted an appeal of the denial decision, arguing that Prudential misconstrued and omitted much of our client’s medical documentation. They accepted the appeal and after several weeks of consideration overturned their prior decision, granting back benefits through the Own Occupation stage of disability.

Soujanya – Pharmacist – Acton, Massachusetts

Back Pain, Hip Pain

A retail pharmacist from Massachusetts began having severe back and hip pain. Her doctor diagnosed her with bulging discs in her back that were radiating pain to her hip. She was approved for Long Term Disability benefits through her employer. Prudential periodically asked for documentation of her treatment, and after receiving benefits for a year, they said she could return to work. She sent in a written appeal, but Prudential would not change its decision.

Upset with Prudential, she contacted Fields Law for assistance. The attorneys at Fields Law obtained the entire claim file from the insurance company and our client’s medical records to compile all of the evidence. Our attorneys sent Prudential a strong appeal which referenced key records that were previously overlooked. Prudential reversed their decision and our client received a lump-sum check for back-pay and a monthly check to offset her lost income.

Lila – Registered Nurse – Lawrenceburg, Kentucky

Breast Cancer

A registered nurse from Kentucky originally stopped working due to her diagnosis of stage IV metastatic breast cancer and all the consequential disabilities related to this life-threatening diagnosis. After 24 months of coverage, Prudential terminated benefits as it claimed this registered nurse did not meet their definition of disabled and claimed she could perform a list of occupations.

Upset at her sudden loss of income, she called Fields Law for help appealing the denial decision. The attorneys at Fields Law contacted our client’s doctors to compile reports of all of her symptoms and treatments. After only one appeal, Prudential agreed with the Fields Law attorneys, and reversed their prior determination and administered benefit payments immediately.