Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Oregon
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Oregon.

Frederick – Warehouse Worker – Beaverton, Oregon
Stroke Symptoms
A Warehouse Worker form Oregon suffered a stroke that paralyzed his left arm and right leg, forcing him to use a cane for ambulation. The stroke also caused cognitive deficits and wreaked havoc with his memory. Unable to work in a warehouse environment any longer, he applied for Long Term Disability benefits through his insurance carrier. The insurer initially approved his claim on application. However, after only two years they terminated his benefits claiming he did not have enough medical support to prove a sufficient level of functional impairment.
Frusterated, he sought out help to appeal Lincoln Financial’s denial decision. He did an online research of the best disability firms and found Fields Law Firm. He contacted us and immediately received a call from one of our attorneys. After signing on with the firm, our team of disability attorneys began gathering updated medical records from all of his providers, a letter of support from his primary care physician, and acquiring the results of a functional capacity evaluation he underwent.
Our attorneys crafted a lengthy appeal dissecting and countering Lincoln Financial’s denial letter arguments, and submitted the entire stack of documentation to the insurer. Lincoln Financial was unable to refute the evidence and arguments presented in our appeal, and soon reversed their prior denial. Our client soon got a check for his back benefits, and Lincoln Financial reinstated his benefits forward.
John – Project Manager – Corvallis, Oregon
Migraines, Occipital Neuralgia
A project manager for an international IT company developed severe migraines and headaches which hindered his ability to work at a computer and tolerate office lighting. He submitted a claim to his disability insurance carrier. His claim was initially paid, until Metlife had an independent doctor review his medical records. The doctor said there was no evidence to support that he would not be able to work. On the contrary, he had three treating physicians that agreed he could not and should not return to work in any capacity.
Confronted with this denial dilemma, he found Fields Law while searching for help online. Our attorneys reviewed the claim file from Metlife and determined severe clinically significant findings were overlooked by the independent doctor. We then secured favorable reports from our client’s treating physicians and submitted the appeal. Metlife quickly reversed its denial of benefits and reinstated our client’s claim.
Suzanne – Professor – Portland, Oregon
Depression, Anxiety, PTSD
An Art Professor in Oregon had struggled with her mental health for years, and eventually needed to leave work to focus on her recovery. She submitted a claim for Long Term Disability benefits, but her claim was denied. The insurance company had one of its doctors review her claim. The doctor, who was on Liberty Mutual’s payroll, stated that the woman was capable of performing her job as an Art Professor.
Unsure what to do, she hired Fields Law Firm for help getting the denial overturned. Our attorneys thoroughly reviewed Liberty Mutual’s claim file and determined several errors were made. The attorneys then secured medical evidence and letters of support from our client’s therapist and doctor. The appeal strongly supported our client’s claim and entitlement to benefits. After a short review, Liberty Mutual agreed to open the claim and pay our client all outstanding benefits