Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Oklahoma

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Oklahoma.

We've got you covered

Harvy – Business Development Manager – Ada, Oklahoma

Complications from Back Surgeries, Radiculopathy

A business development manager for US Foods had back surgery. After surgery he developed radiating pain and was eventually diagnosed with Radiculopathy. He could not work due to his symptoms and his insurer approved his initial request for Long Term Disability benefits. Four months later, despite knowing that the manager was scheduled for an upcoming invasive surgery, CIGNA terminated benefits. The insurance company hired a physical therapist who determined that the manager could still work despite his symptoms.

Exasperated with the denial decision and worried about the upcoming expenses from surgery, he contacted Fields Law Firm to assist with his appeal. The attorneys worked with our client’s doctors to obtain all treatment records, and hired a vocational expert to report on how our client’s condition made returning to work impossible. As a result of the strong evidence submitted on appeal, our client received back-pay and had his benefits reinstated.

Virginia – Respiratory Therapist – Edmond, Oklahoma

Complications from Broken Leg, Arthritis, Back Pain

A respiratory therapist from Oklahoma broke her leg. She healed from the break, but her arthritis eventually caused severe leg and knee pain. After healing from the initial injury, she pursued a conservative course of treatment to manage her symptoms and avoid surgery. Unfortunately, the pain was too much, and she underwent a recommended invasive knee surgery. Recovery from the surgery was nearly nonexistent and her symptoms caused her to miss work. She received Long Term Disability benefits for almost three years until the insurance company suddenly cut off her payments. They claimed that she was able to return to work.

Shocked by the insurance company’s decision, she called Fields Law for help. Our team contacted our new client’s doctors and obtained updated medical records to ensure we had all the available evidence on our side. Teh Fields Law attorneys scoured the records and discovered the insurance company discounted important records from our client’s doctors. We drafted a strong appeal, attaching the records to point out the insurance company’s error, including the legal arguments supporting our position. The insurance company overturned their previous decision and our client received a lump-sum check for back-pay and began receiving ongoing monthly benefits. She was pleased with the hard work by the Fields Law team on her behalf.

Richard – Oil Pump Operator – Orlando, Oklahoma

Back Pain, Degenerative Disc Disease, Radiculopathy

An oil field worker from Oklahoma injured his back and could not sit or stand for any amount of time without pain, so work became impossible. He was approved for Social Security Disability benefits, but was denied for Long Term Disability payments through his insurer at work because he apparently did not fit their definition of disabled.

Confused about the decision, and worried about his income, he called Fields Law for help. Our team contacted all of our client’s treating doctors for updated medical records. Our attorneys filed a preliminary appeal based on the records but unfortunately the insurance company did not change its mind. Our team then hired a vocational specialist to write a special report for our client, highlighting his inability to work.

After reviewing the report, the insurance company changed their mind and issued ongoing benefits and a lump-sum for back pay. After two years of fighting, our client finally restored his income. He was pleased with the result, and happy with the persistent advocacy from Fields Law.