Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in North Dakota

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in North Dakota.

We've got you covered

Brenda – Medical Lab Technician – Washburn, North Dakota

Neuropathy, Diabetes, Leg Pain

A medical lab technician from Minnesota began experiencing leg pain associated with diabetes. Eventually, she began losing sensation in her legs. Sitting or standing for long periods became extremely painful and she was forced to stop working. Her insurer approved her for monthly Long Term Disability benefits. After a decade of receiving benefits, the insurance company stopped payment saying that she no longer fit their definition of disabled.

Shocked that her benefits had suddenly been cut off, she contacted Fields Law Firm for help. Our attorneys gathered all of the documents from the insurance company and our client’s doctors to compile strong evidence against the insurer. The insurance company based their denial on one doctor’s report which had multiple mistakes and typos. Our attorneys sent a strong appeal to the insurance company but the insurer did not reverse it’s decision and the Fields Law attorneys filed a lawsuit to fight for our client. During preparations for trial, our attorneys negotiated a generous lump sum settlement. Our client was pleased with the settlement check and happy with the professional advocacy Fields Law Firm provided.

Rhonda – Black Jack Dealer – Michigan, North Dakota

Right Frozen Shoulder

A BlackJack dealer was forced to end her career after a series of shoulder injuries resulted in frozen shoulder. She received benefits from her Long Term Disability insurer for more than three years before the insurance company sent her to a doctor to be evaluated. That doctor provided an opinion to the insurance company, which stated that the woman should be able to return to work and the insurance company stopped paying he benefits. She attempted to appeal the insurance company’s decision on her own, but the insurance company refused to reinstate her benefits.

She turned to Fields Law Firm for help. Our attorneys had the opportunity to file a second appeal and we used that opportunity to build up the evidence in her file. We included updated medical records and disability opinions from her doctors. Although the insurance company did not overturn their decision based on that appeal, Fields Law was able to proceed forward with a lawsuit against the insurer because we were confident with the evidence in the file. In the end, the insurance company was willing to pay our client a substantial amount of money to settle the claim, rather than submitting the issues to a judge.

Corey – Cashier – West Fargo, North Dakota

Psoriatic Arthritis, Knee Replacement Surgery

A cashier became disabled after undergoing a total knee replacement surgery and developing psoriatic arthritis. His symptoms kept him from sitting and standing for long periods of time. His arthritis severely affected his hands and resulted in an inability to gross and fine manipulate during work tasks. The insurance company initially approved him for benefits. When the definition of disabled changed under his policy, the insurer denied benefits claiming that he was able to perform sedentary jobs.

He hired Fields Law to fight the insurer’s wrongful denial. The Fields Law attorneys ordered medical records from the man’s treating providers. Upon reviewing the medical information, our attorneys secured a report from our client’s treating rheumatologist documenting his inability to sustain full-time work and use his hands for more than a few minutes. Our attorneys used that information to secure a favorable decision from the insurer. Our client received a substantial backpay check and hired Fields Law to negotiate a settlement, so he never had to deal with them again.