Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in North Carolina

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in North Carolina.

We've got you covered

Karen – LPN Surgical Associate – Mount Ulla, North Carolina

Hashimotos, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Hyper IGE Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, High Blood Pressure, Multilevel Disc Herniations, Chronic Hip Pain, Immobility, Chronic Infections, Chronic Fatigue, Cognitive Dysfunction, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression

A Surgical LPN from North Carolina developed several complex medical conditions including Hashimotos, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Hyper IGE Syndrome, degenerative disc disease and chronic pain. She was forced to stop working due to her increasing symptoms. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits from her insurance carrier. The Hartford denied her application, and she contacted Fields Law Firm to represent her for her administrative appeal.

The attorneys at Fields Law Firm acquired updated medical records from her doctors and a supportive report from a vocational expert. The Fields Law team drafted an appeal critical of The Hartford’s denial decision and submitted it for their review. Upon consideration, The Hartford overturned their prior determination, and granted our client back benefits through her Own Occupation period. Our client then continued her partnership with Fields Law to fight The Hartford’s subsequent denial of her benefits during the Any Occupation period of review.

Johnny – Recycling Operator – Lexington, North Carolina


A recycling operator became disabled after developing fibromyalgia. He filed a claim for Short Term Disability benefits. The insurance company paid benefits to the man for a few weeks, agreeing he was unable to perform the duties of his heavy-duty occupation. Without warning, Sun Life Financial decided to deny benefits. It stated he could return to work and lift up to 100 pounds at his job, which was far from the truth.

He decided to hire Fields Law Firm to help him appeal the denial decision. The Fields Law attorneys updated our client’s medical records and secured written reports from his treating physicians describing his severe and debilitating symptoms. The appeal was submitted with a substantial legal memorandum arguing Sun Life Financial ignored the medical evidence supporting our client’s disability. Shortly after the appeal was submitted, Sun Life Financial overturned the denial and paid the rest of the Short Term Disability benefits owed to our client.

Michael – Warehouse Associate – Rocky Mountain, North Carolina

Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylosis, Side Effects from Medications

A Warehouse Associate from North Carolina was suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, spondylosis, and side effects from medications. He was taken off work by his treating doctors and he applied for Long Term Disability benefits through his employer’s plan. Regrettably, Unum denied his claim arguing his conditions were pre-existing and therefore barred under the policy and also that, even if they were not pre-existing, they were not sufficiently disabling to stop him from performing his own occupation.

After being denied, he turned to Fields Law Firm for help. The Fields Law attorneys drafted an appeal, building support from our client’s treating doctors, his medical records, and the actual requirements of his job duties. After receiving our appeal, Unum reversed its decision, paid our client his backpay, and started paying his monthly benefits.