Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in New Jersey

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in New Jersey.

We've got you covered

Christine – Bank Branch Manager – Jackson, New Jersey

Ulnar Nerve Injury, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Muscles Wasting, Radial Ulnar Joint Arthritis

A Bank Branch Manager from New Jersey fell at home and fractured her wrist. The injury did severe damage to her ligaments, nerves, and bones that connect her arm to her hand. As a result, she contracted complex regional pain syndrome and essentially lost all use of her left arm. Her job required carrying heavy coins, counting out teller drawers, and typing, so she was unable to continue working. She received Long Term Disability benefits for over a year, but then the insurance company stopped paying because they said she could return to work.

Her condition had only worsened since her initial application for benefits, so she was confused and angry with Liberty Mutual’s decision. She called Fields Law for help. Our team obtained the claim file from Liberty Mutual and found that they had overlooked key medical documents. The Fields Law attorneys drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company based on updated records and expert opinions. Liberty Mutual changed their decision and our client received a lump-sum check for back-pay and ongoing monthly benefits.

Ann – Benefits Analyst – Manville, New Jersey

Severe Spondylosis, Radiculopathy into Extremities

A Benefits Analyst who worked at a hospital loved her job. Particularly, the patients that she worked with. She took great satisfaction in finding ways to help hospital patients to pay for their much-needed medical treatment. Unfortunately, she developed severe low back pain that radiated down to her legs, and made standing and sitting for extended periods of time near impossible. She began seeing a neurologist, who at first administered injections. Because of the severity of the condition, she then underwent surgery. The operation did not diminish the pain and eventually she had to notify the hospital she could not return to work.

She filed for disability benefits which were granted temporarily, but later denied based on a simple records review by the insurance carrier. She immediately hired Fields Law to review her case. Our attorneys assembled medical records and supportive reports and filed an appeal which persuaded CIGNA to overturn their denial. The payments were reinstated, and our client began receiving the much-needed payments to support her and her family’s needs.

Lauri – Payroll Supervisor – Neptune City, New Jersey

Renal Failure, Atrial Fibrillation, Diabetes, Hypertension, Depression

A payroll supervisor from New Jersey enjoyed her job until she developed renal failure, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, hypertension, and depression. Her condition required a hospital stay, during which she developed respiratory failure and had to be kept alive by a ventilator. In addition, she required dialysis. Her condition later improved and she was transferred to a rehab facility. Clearly, she could no longer work. Her Long Term Disability insurer initially accepted her claim and paid benefits. Reliance Standard later denied her claim stating that she had recovered enough to perform the duties of any occupation.

Not knowing how to fight them, she reached out to Fields Law. Our attorneys at Fields Law began updating the medical records to provide a full scope of our client’s condition. Once the records were compiled, we drafted a winning appeal which led Reliance Standard to overturn their denial and reinstate her benefits. Our client felt a huge sense of relief knowing that she had gotten her benefits back.