Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Massachusetts

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Massachusetts.

We've got you covered

Maryann – Site Manager – Orange, Massachusetts

Chronic Neck Pain Post Fusion Surgery, Anxiety, Depression, Trigger Finger

A Site Manager from Massachusetts was suffering from chronic neck pain post fusion surgery, anxiety, depression, and trigger finger. She was removed from work by her treating physicians and applied for Long Term Disability benefits through her employer’s plan. However, Unum denied the claim asserting only some of her conditions were covered under the policy and that, based upon its review, those conditions were not disabling. She turned to Fields Law for help.

The attorneys at Fields Law reviewed her policy, gathered medical evidence in the forms of records and opinions from her treating providers, and gathered evidence from her prior Social Security Disability file. Our team drafted an appeal pointing out that all of our client’s conditions were covered under the terms of the plan and, based upon the substantial evidence, these conditions prevented her from performing her Own Occupation. After receiving our appeal, Unum reversed its denial, paid our client her backpay, and started paying her monthly benefits.

Candace – Senior Software Engineer – Charlton, Massachusetts

Cervical Dystonia, Depression, Anxiety

A Senior Software Engineer from Massachusetts was forced to stop working, less than a decade before retirement. She had battled anxiety and depression for years, but recently developed a progressive and incurable neurological condition. The disease was called Cervical Dystonia, and it caused her neck muscles to uncontrollably contract, forcing her head to painfully twist and turn. Her quality of life began deteriorating quickly, and then she learned that she needed brain surgery to address her worsening condition.

Rightfully concerned about her financial security, she applied for Long Term Disability benefits. However, while CIGNA reviewed her claim, they began sending her a seemingly endless number of requests for more information. She responded to the requests at her own expense, but CIGNA still denied her application for benefits a month later. In their denial, they effectively claimed that she wasn’t actually disabled and was just choosing not to work.

She was frustrated with the insurance provider’s tactics, and sought out the best disability advocates to handle her case. She found the team of attorneys at Fields Law Firm. Our attorneys were able to get to work on her case right away, gathering the necessary documents, and obtaining favorable medical opinions from her treating physicians.

Our attorneys reviewed the denial letter and wrote a strong appeal. We argued that CIGNA had failed to both properly consider our client’s medical records and conduct due diligence through an independent medical examination. Based on our appeal, the insurer agreed to conduct an independent medical review. After receiving the results of the review, they quickly overturned their previous denial, granting our client Long Term Disability benefits with back pay. Our client was soon able to cash a substantial check and began receiving regular payments for her Long Term Disability benefits.

Barbara – Senior Project Designer – Stoneham, Massachusetts

Cellulitis, Recurrent Leg Infection, Panic Attacks

A Senior Project Designer from Massachusetts suffered a broken leg from a skiing accident. The doctors put pins into her leg. Eventually, the pins caused an infection and needed to be replaced. The leg infection did not go away, and the Project Designer was forced to stop working. She was approved for Long Term Disability benefits. After four years, Unum suddenly stopped paying benefits, saying that they did not receive the correct paperwork.

Frightened by her sudden loss of income, she called Fields Law for help. Our attorneys immediately requested our client’s file from Unum. They also called our client’s doctors to obtain updated medical reports. The Fields Law attorneys used medical records and legal research to build a strong appeal. Unum overturned their denial and reinstated benefits to our client. Our client was pleased to be done fighting Unum, and is happy to move forward with her life.