Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Massachusetts

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Massachusetts.

We've got you covered

Randy – Human Resources Manager – South Hadley, Massachusetts

Spinal Stenosis with Radiculopathy

A Human Resources Manager for a small business took a leave of absence to focus on his lower back issues. He applied for disability benefits through his Long Term Disability insurance carrier. The insurer approved and paid his claim for the entire 36-month Own Occupation period. However, the insurance company then stated the man was able to return to work at several sedentary jobs.

He searched for help online and found Fields Law and our attorneys assisted our client in determining the medical and legal basis used to terminate his disability benefits. After review of the information the insurer produced, our attorneys worked towards building medical evidence to challenge the insurer’s denial. The medical evidence was submitted to the insurance company as a part of the appeal. Soon after, the Insurance company swiftly overturned its decision to deny benefits and paid our client’s claim.

John – Field Engineer – Wellfleet, Massachusetts

Spinal Stenosis

A Field Engineer suffered a low back injury and was no longer able to perform the duties of his job, which often required in-person tours of work sites, heavy lifting, and extensive hours. He submitted a claim to his disability insurance carrier. Lincoln Financial performed a cursory review of the claim and denied his benefits. Unsure what to do, he searched for help online and hired Fields Law Firm to assist with disputing the denial of benefits.

Our attorneys worked on assembling evidence to contradict Lincoln Financial’s medical review. We requested a series of reports from our client’s neurosurgeon to identify his restrictions and limitations. Our attorneys argued the restrictions and limitations would not allow for the performance of our client’s demanding occupation. After review of the appeal, the denial decision was overturned and our client was issued his much deserved benefits.

Kimberly – Billing Administrator – Wilmington, Massachusetts

Schizophrenia, Low Back Pain, Degenerative Disc Disease

A Billing Administrator from Massachusetts suffered from Schizophrenia and Low Back Pain. Eventually, the combination of her conditions made work impossible. She applied for Long Term Disability through her employer’s insurance plan and received benefits for five years. New York Life stopped paying her after five years because they said she could return to work.

Worried about her lost income, she called Fields Law for help. Our team obtained the claim file from New York Life and found that the insurer overlooked key records about our client’s conditions. The Fields Law attorneys drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company based on the factual and legal errors from New York Life, as well as updated expert opinions. New York Life changed their mind and our client received a lump-sum payment for back-pay and ongoing monthly benefits. She is happy to be through worrying about her disability claim and is pleased to have hired Fields Law.