Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Maryland

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Maryland.

We've got you covered

Ladonna – Volunteer Coordinator – Laplata, Maryland

Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cervical Spine Radiculopathy, Right Shoulder Tendinopathy

A volunteer coordinator at a veteran service home suffered from fibromyalgia, migraines, cervical spine radiculopathy, and right shoulder tendinopathy. She had managed her various conditions well for several years but was finally unable to work at her position due to exacerbations of her fibromyalgia, migraines, and neck pain. Lincoln Financial paid her claim for just over ten months, until they discontinued disability benefits stating she had no restrictions or limitations resulting in an inability to work at the veteran service home.

Concerned about the lost income, she hired Fields Law to appeal the denial. Our attorney’s secured extensive medical records and opinions from our client’s treating providers stating she could not work. We combined these records with legal and factual arguments about the physical demands of our client’s position at the veteran service center. Lincoln Financial overturned their decision, resulting in a large payment of back benefits. Our client was able to avoid foreclosure on her home due to the quick payment of benefits.

Willie – Plant Utility Operator – Clarksburg, Maryland

Bilateral Arthritis of the Knees, Shoulder Tendonitis, Depression

A Plant Utility Operator from Maryland became disabled after developing severe degenerative joint disease in his knees, as well as shoulder issues and major depression. The pain and immobility kept him from being on his feet for extended periods of time. He was unable to work because his heavy duty job as a machine operator required frequent standing and walking. He filed a claim for Long Term Disability benefits but the insurance company denied benefits from the outset, stating he could work his own occupation.

In need of some help, he hired Fields Law Firm to help him appeal the denial decision. Our attorneys developed substantial medical evidence supporting our client’s limitations. We secured statements from our client’s treating physicians describing his conditions. The appeal was submitted with legal arguments regarding Liberty Mutuals’s duty to consider our client as a whole person, and not focus solely on individual conditions. Our client was subsequently approved for Long Term Disability due to the appeal.

Trina – Graphic Designer – Upper Marlboro, Maryland

Lumbar Spine Pain, Nerve Damage, Radiculopathy, Paresthesia

A 52 year-old graphic designer became disabled due to lumbar spine issues with radicular and nerve pain. She stopped working because sitting for long periods of time was absolutely agonizing. Her insurer properly paid her claim for almost three years. After she began receiving Social Security Disability benefits, her insurer contacted her to collect an overpayment of previous benefits. In the same breath, the insurance company informed claimant she was no longer eligible for benefits under the terms of her plan.

The woman retained Fields Law to appeal the decision shortly before the appeal was due. Our attorneys quickly assembled medical records, as well as statements from her treating physicians outlining her inability to work. The insurer overturned their decision resulting in a large payment of back benefits. The claim was reinstated, and monthly payments began shortly thereafter.