Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Liberty Mutual

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against Liberty Mutual.

We've got you covered

Stanley – Truck Driver – Dover, Delaware

Subarombo Phlebitis Arachnoid Hemorrhage, Bilateral Vestibular Function Disorder, Migraines, Atypical Headaches, Memory Loss, Cervicalgia, Occipital Neuralgia, Thrombophlebitis

A truck driver from Delaware applied for and received Long Term Disability benefits from an insurance policy provided by his employer, after suffering a serious and disabling stroke. Liberty Mutual paid benefits for two years, until the definition of disability switched from Own Occupation to Any Occupation. His benefits were terminated, because one of Liberty Mutual’s doctors claimed he could work a sedentary job, even though that doctor had never met him. Unsure what to do next, he reached out to the Fields Law team.

The Fields Law attorneys gathered updated medical records and received support from our client’s own treating doctors. The evidence gathered could not be dismissed by Liberty Mutual. It wasn’t long after the Fields Law attorneys submitted the appeal, that our client’s Long Term Disability benefits were restored.

Queretta – Retail Supervisor – Washington, District of Columbia

Hidradenitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A supervisor at Wal-Mart stores became disabled when she developed hidradenitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. As a result, she was unable to work. Her insurance provider denied the claim, stating that her conditions fell under a pre-existing condition provision in her policy.

Not sure what she should do, she reached out to Fields Law Firm. Our attorneys researched the effective date of the policy to determine if the pre-existing condition clause was valid. Additionally, we closely analyzed the medical records and determined that, even if the pre-existing clause was valid, our client’s carpal tunnel diagnosis did not fall under the pre-existing clause in her policy and she would qualify for Long Term Disability benefits. On appeal, Liberty Mutual reversed their decision and paid all past-due benefits. Our client was so impressed with Fields Law that she hired us to attempt to settle the claim on a full-final and complete basis.

Antionette – Member Services Representative – Buena Park, California

Post-Partum Depression, Anxiety, PTSD

A California woman was forced to leave work after her pregnancy had turned high risk. Unfortunately, she had an extensive history with post-traumatic stress disorder and, after leaving work, soon developed severe complications with depression and anxiety. She applied for benefits from her Long Term Disability carrier. However, the insurer said they needed time to evaluate her claim since it might have fallen into a pre-existing condition exclusion. Liberty Mutual then began sending the woman letter after letter, demanding all kinds of different information. Eventually, the insurer sent her a denial letter. In their denial, Liberty Mutual claimed she failed to meet her policy’s definition of disability because her medical records didn’t support restrictions and/or limitations.

Unsure of what to do next, she contacted Fields Law. The Fields Law team began gathering the information Liberty Mutual had demanded, and the attorneys started forming narrow arguments to refute the insurer’s claims. The Fields Law attorneys appealed Liberty Mutual’s decision, and the prior denial decision was overturned and our client was awarded her benefits.