Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Liberty Mutual

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against Liberty Mutual.

We've got you covered

Nathan – Associate of Product Support – Wichita, Kansas

Diabetic Neuropathy

A man from Kansas suffered from severe diabetic neuropathy. Despite working a sedentary occupation and being seated most of the time, he was unable to continue working due to the chronic pain from his neuropathy as well as the inability to use his hands. His Long Term Disability insurer denied his benefits claiming that he had the functional capacity to perform his own occupation.

He contacted the attorneys at Fields Law, who reviewed all of the records the insurance company had and requested updated records to provide to the insurer. Our attorneys also obtained a report from our client’s neurologist which highlighted that our client could not work. On appeal, the insurance company reversed their decision and reinstated the payment of monthly benefits. Our client felt an incredible sense of relief knowing that he had an income on which to support himself and his family.

Ty – Truck Driver – Merrillville, Indiana

Radiating Back Sain, Spondylosis, Chronic Neck Pain, Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

A truck driver from Indiana needed surgery after an ankle injury. The surgery exacerbated long-standing issues with back and neck pain. He could no longer stand or sit for more than a few minutes at a time. He needed help with basic hygiene, putting on his shoes, and preparing food. It was impossible for him to go back to work. Once his Short Term Disability expired, he applied for Long Term Disability benefits. His employer-provided insurance package approved him for monthly benefits however, after receiving benefits for eleven months, Liberty Mutual stopped paying because he no longer fit their definition of disability.

Worried about his lost income, and still needing help for everyday tasks, he called Fields Law for help. Our support team quickly gathered all of our client’s medical records and the claim file from Liberty Mutual. The Fields Law attorneys reviewed all the evidence and ordered supplemental reports from a vocational specialist who showed that there was no way our client could return to work. Our attorneys sent an appeal to Liberty Mutual with the strengthened evidence and applicable legal arguments. The insurance company changed their decision, and our client received a lump-sum for back pay and ongoing monthly benefits.

Michael – Security Guard – McHenry, Illinois

Panic Attacks, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

A security guard from Illinois began feeling severely fatigued at work. He could no longer concentrate and had recurring panic attacks. A doctor diagnosed him with depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. His symptoms eventually became too severe and he was forced to stop working. He applied for Long Term Disability benefits and Liberty Mutual paid him monthly benefits. After receiving benefits for nine months, he received a letter saying that benefits would stop because he no longer fit the insurer’s definition of disabled.

Confused by the decision, he contacted Fields Law for help with an appeal. The attorneys at Fields Law reviewed the claim file and found that Liberty Mutual made several conclusions that were not supported by doctor’s opinions. Our attorneys contacted our client’s doctors to strengthen the case, and appealed the decision. Liberty Mutual agreed to reinstate Long Term Disability benefits for our client and pay him a lump-sum for back-pay.