Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Kentucky

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Kentucky.

We've got you covered

Sonya – Auto Manufacturing Inspector – Franklin, Kentucky

Viral Neurosis, Depression, Menieres Disease, Vestibular Neuronitis, Hearing Loss

An auto plant Manufacturing Inspector from Kentucky contracted reoccurring viral neurosis, a condition which caused her to fall over and injure herself daily. She also suffered from associated depression, Meniere’s disease, vestibular neuronitis, and hearing loss. Since manufacturing environments can be dangerous places, she was unable to continue working at the plant where she had been for more than 20 years.

Throughout her employment, she had been paying into a Long Term Disability policy provided by her employer. The insurance company initially granted her benefits however, after 24 months, they abruptly cut off her benefits. In their denial, the insurer claimed that her medical records did not support functional disabilities which would prevent her from working in “Any Occupation” after their denial date. Further, to add insult to injury, the insurer also informed her that, because of an overpayment, she actually owed them money.

Utterly devastated, and under immense financial strain, she sought out the best law firm to help fight the insurance giant. She contacted Fields Law, and our team of attorneys immediately began managing her case. However, the insurer insisted that the woman owed them money.

After extensive negotiation, the attorneys at Fields Law were able to secure an agreement where our client wouldn’t have to pay the insurer the overpayment fees and even secured a payout from the insurer.

Connie – Property Manager – Lexington, Kentucky

Lumbar Radiculitis, Lumbar Disc Disease, Chronic Pain

A woman who received Long Term Disability benefits for almost eight years received a letter from her insurer one day, which stated that she no longer met the insurer’s definition of disability. The insurance company had discontinued her benefits. The woman was confused because there had been no change in her condition. Furthermore, her conditions were chronic and not likely to change in the future. She turned to Fields Law Firm for help.

The attorneys at Fields Law worked with our client’s doctors to obtain updated medical information and drafted an appeal in which we argued that the insurer was wrong to discontinue her benefits. The appeal included written opinions from our client’s doctor. Despite the overwhelming evidence that supported her entitlement to disability benefits, the insurer would not overturn their decision. Fields Law moved forward with a lawsuit against the insurer.

The Fields Law attorneys were able to negotiate a lump sum settlement shortly after filing suit. Our client is happy that she no longer has to deal with the insurance company and she does not need to live in fear of having the insurance company cut off her benefits ever again.

Tracy – Laboratory Technician – Independence, Kentucky

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis, Sjogren’s, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Broken Knee

A Laboratory Technician was forced to stop working due to a multitude of illnesses and a knee injury she had sustained requiring surgery and three months physical therapy. Her chronic illnesses complicated her return to work and the insurer continued to pay her benefits until the definition of disability changed from Own Occupation to Any Occupation after 24 months. The insurance company reopened her claim after she was subsequently awarded Social Security Disability benefits. Even with the Social Security Administration’s disability determination, the insurer continued to contact her every few months to request updated medical records. This required her having to schedule unnecessary appointments for her chronic conditions costing her time and money from her fixed disability income.

Tired of the harassment, she reached out to the attorneys at Fields Law Firm to assist with negotiating an early buyout of her claim. Our attorneys requested a copy of our client’s claim file, obtained updated medical records and submitted them to the insurance company asking if they would be interested in buying out the remainder of her claim. Our team was able to negotiate with the insurance company to get them to pay significantly more than their initial offer. Our client was happy to get her monthly benefits in advance to help plan her long-term care and end the tenuous relationship with the insurance company.