Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Georgia

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Georgia.

We've got you covered

Charlyn – City Tax Appraiser – Mauk, Georgia

Spinal Stenosis

A County Tax Appraiser became disabled after a diagnosis of permanent spinal stenosis. Because she loved her job, she continued to do her work for several months, without complaint. When it became too painful, she had no choice but to apply for Long Term Disability. Despite her debilitating condition and the clear evidence supporting the same, the disability carrier denied her claiming that she could perform the work of a tax appraiser. It was clear the disability carrier did not understand the physically challenging nature of such an occupation. Her job demanded she travel out into the field to visually and physically examine machinery and other objects, which necessitated walking long distances, climbing, kneeling, reaching, lifting and standing for lengthy periods of time.

She hired Fields Law Firm and our attorneys reached out to the medical providers and obtained records and reports, clearly demonstrating that this client could not meet the specific demands of her occupation due to her spinal stenosis. A lawsuit was filed which resulted in a settlement of a significant sum of money to this client, which enabled her to continue with her treatment, pay her bills and meet her overall financial needs for her and her family.

Melanie – Sales Representative – Twin City, Georgia

Congestive Heart Failure, Syncope, Hypertension, Chronic Migraine, Vertigo, Fibromyalgia

A Sales Representative from Georgia suffering from congestive heart failure, syncope, hypertension, chronic migraine, vertigo and fibromyalgia required daily use of multiple medications and was removed from work by her treating doctors. After paying Long Term Disability benefits for 24 months, the insurer denied her claim arguing there was other work she was capable of performing in the national economy.

Our team appealed this denial and eventually brought a lawsuit fighting for our client’s benefits. After bringing this case to a lawsuit our team was able to resolve this matter through a settlement of the claim.

Greg – Pilot – Loganville, Georgia

Back Pain, Complications from Fusion Surgery

A pilot from Georgia had back surgery, but never fully recovered. He had ongoing back and neck pain that made sitting for long periods of time painful. His symptoms caused him to stop working. He received Long Term Disability benefits through his employer’s insurance plan for about a year and a half, but then the insurance company stopped paying because he no longer fit their definition of disabled. The pilot appealed the decision to no avail.

Still unable to work, he called Fields Law for help. The attorneys at Fields Law reviewed the claim denial and found that our client had a good case. Our support team reached out to the insurer for all of the claim documents so evidence could be gathered for a lawsuit. During preparation for the lawsuit, our attorneys negotiated a generous lump-sum settlement. Our client was pleased to receive his settlement check and was happy with how Fields Law quickly resolved his disability claim.