Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Florida

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Florida.

We've got you covered

Dale – Therapist – Stuart, Florida

Sensory Neuropathy, Gastroparesis, Chemo Brain, Nerve Pain, Bipolar

A Therapist from Florida developed Stage 4 Breast Cancer and went on Long Term Disability. She managed to survive the cancer but was ravaged from her battle. She remained on claim for 15 years when Unum suddenly terminated her benefits claiming her cancer symptoms had improved and she could return to work.

Knowing she needed assistance appealing Unum’s determination, she retained Fields Law Firm to appeal her case. The Fields Law attorneys began assembling supportive documentation including updated medical records and a supportive narrative from our client’s treating physician. Our attorneys then wrote a pointed appeal of Unum’s denial, countering their arguments. Upon consideration of the appeal Unum quickly overturned their prior denial, issuing backpay and reinstating ongoing benefits.

George – Sales Manager – Jacksonville, Florida

Atrial Fibrillation

A 61-year-old man working as a Sales Manager was forced to cease work due to complications with coronary heart disease and atrial fibrillation. Even though he had been paying premiums for Short Term and Long Term Disability benefits, when he applied for Short Term Disability benefits, his insurer claimed that he never actually obtained coverage. This was because there was one form he failed to fill out at the time he applied for the insurance. The Sales Manager was confused because he followed all the instructions he got from his employer when he applied for the insurance coverage. In his time of uncertainty, he turned to Fields Law for help.

The attorneys at Fields Law wrote a strong appeal on behalf of our client, arguing that his insurer was precluded from claiming he never had coverage when they took premiums from his checks. The Fields Law team also reached out to our client’s employer for information about how the employees applied for coverage. Through those conversations, we learned that many of employees from that particular company were also paying premiums for coverage they didn’t have. Based on our successful appeal, the insurer remedied the coverage issue and our client was issued back pay.

Nanette – Sales Executive – Holiday, Florida

Right Knee Pain, Torn Meniscus, Venous Insufficiency, Obesity, Lipedema, Low Back Pain, Lumbar Disc Degeneration

An In-House Sales Executive became disabled due to conditions relating to her knee. She was approved for Short Term Disability, but when she applied for Long Term Disability benefits, she was denied. Her Long Term Disability application was denied because Unum claimed she did not meet the definition of disabled. Upset by the sudden loss of income, she contacted the attorneys at Fields Law to appeal Unum’s denial decision. The Fields Law attorneys compiled all her medical records, obtained favorable reports from her treating doctors, and submitted a comprehensive appeal. Unum, after only a few weeks, overturned its prior denial of benefits and retroactively paid back our client’s outstanding disability benefits.