Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Connecticut

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Connecticut.

We've got you covered

John – Tax Director – Orange, Connecticut

Type 1 Diabetes, Charcot Foot Deformity, Neuropathy, Neurological Deficits from Stroke

A tax director for a national accounting firm became disabled when his type 1 diabetes resulted in complications to his lower extremities, including a diabetic foot ulcer. He was unable to walk for more than a few minutes a day. If he over-exerted himself, he could develop further complications requiring amputation of his foot. He applied for disability benefits and retired to focus on stabilizing his medical conditions.

He received benefits for approximately two years before CIGNA denied his claim, stating he was able to perform his own sedentary occupation as an accountant. As a tax director, he was shocked. Far from sitting in an office working on tax returns, his job required him to meet with clients at their businesses and attend local business events.

Out of options, he hired Fields Law to pursue his claim. The Fields Law attorneys assembled a number of medical narrative reports outlining our client’s symptoms in his upper and lower extremities. Additionally, the attorneys had a vocational professional review our client’s job duties and write a report arguing the insurer failed to consider the material duties of our client’s occupation when it labeled him as an accountant. Just a few weeks after the appeal was submitted, CIGNA reinstated the claim and paid our client all of the outstanding back pay.

Debra – Office Manager – Niantic, Connecticut

Rectal Cancer, Neuropathy, Incontinence, Chronic Pain

An office manager from Connecticut went out of work and started receiving Long Term Disability benefits due to rectal cancer. Two years after receiving benefits, her insurance provider cut off her benefits, concluding she could work in a sedentary position. Throughout her cancer treatment, however, she developed other disabling side effects, including anemia, chemo induced peripheral neuropathy, anxiety and depression, chronic diarrhea, bowel obstruction, pain in both hips, and chronic pain. Her neuropathy caused so much pain in her fingers that it hurt to touch a keyboard. Just prior to the termination of her benefits, the Social Security Administration evaluated her in person, and determined that she had less than sedentary functional capacity. She could not understand how they could come to one conclusion, but Principal came to the opposite. She decided to reach out to the Fields Law team for answers.

Our Team assured our client that we would do everything we could to put together a solid record with evidence pointing to disability and appeal Principal’s decision. The Fields Law attorneys wrote an appeal that documented all evidence that proved our client could not work in any occupation, and gathered support from our client’s doctors to bolster the argument. Our client’s Long Term Disability provider had no choice but to reinstate benefits following the appeal from our attorneys. Our client was so glad she decided to trust the Fields Law team to get her the quick, reliable results she needed to fight Principal and get her well-deserved disability benefits.

Jamie – Masters Level Counselor – East Windsor, Connecticut

Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Exhaustion, Chronic Diarrhea, Chronic Nausea, Chronic Stomach Pain, Cognitive Difficulties, Anemia

A Masters Level Counselor from Connecticut worked for many years before succumbing to the symptoms of Chron’s Disease and leaving work. She suffered from chronic exhaustion, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, cognitive difficulties and anemia. She was insured for Long Term Disability and was approved for benefits upon her disablement. She received benefits for three years until Prudential abruptly terminated her benefits, stating that she could return to work in a different occupation.

They based their decision on some internal medical reviews which claimed she had lighter restrictions than what were provided by her own doctors. She knew she needed help appealing the denial decision and contacted Fields Law. Our attorneys quickly moved to gather updated medical records from all her doctors and secured a supportive letter from her primary treating physician. The attorneys at Fields Law also coordinated with a vocational expert to compile a report concerning our client’s workability, which came back fully supportive. The Fields Law team then submitted the appeal of Prudential’s denial. The insurer had no choice but to quickly overturn their prior decision, pay to date back benefits and reinstate future benefits.