Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against CIGNA

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against CIGNA.

We've got you covered

Ann – Benefits Analyst – Manville, New Jersey

Severe Spondylosis, Radiculopathy into Extremities

A Benefits Analyst who worked at a hospital loved her job. Particularly, the patients that she worked with. She took great satisfaction in finding ways to help hospital patients to pay for their much-needed medical treatment. Unfortunately, she developed severe low back pain that radiated down to her legs, and made standing and sitting for extended periods of time near impossible. She began seeing a neurologist, who at first administered injections. Because of the severity of the condition, she then underwent surgery. The operation did not diminish the pain and eventually she had to notify the hospital she could not return to work.

She filed for disability benefits which were granted temporarily, but later denied based on a simple records review by the insurance carrier. She immediately hired Fields Law to review her case. Our attorneys assembled medical records and supportive reports and filed an appeal which persuaded CIGNA to overturn their denial. The payments were reinstated, and our client began receiving the much-needed payments to support her and her family’s needs.

Murad – Construction Manager – Hillsborough, New Jersey

Neck, Back and Abdominal Pain

A construction manager who worked all over the globe on major construction projects began to suffer from chronic and debilitating pain in his neck, back, and abdomen. He was not able to continue to working due to the combination of all his pain. His Short Term Disability insurer initially accepted his claim, but later cut him off on the basis that he had been released to work.

Unable to work and in need of a source of income, he connected with Fields Law Firm. The Fields Law attorneys reviewed the claim file from the insurer and set a plan to get benefits reinstated. They compiled all of the necessary medical records and reports from his treating doctors. The Fields Law attorneys then drafted a strong appeal that argued why benefits should have never been cut off. On review, CIGNA reinstated our client’s claim for benefits.

Patrick – Sales Representative – Omaha, Nebraska


A commercial sales representative for ADT sold and created plans for alarm systems with large commercial businesses. He loved his job, particularly interacting with customers and meeting their needs to protect not only their facilities, but also their intellectual property. Unfortunately, one day he developed a severe headache that kept him out of work for several days. He assumed the headache would go away as, at times, Tylenol and ibuprofen would ease the pain. But, when the headache increased and persisted to where it became unbearable, he saw a doctor who diagnosed severe migraines and started him on a treatment plan. While the treatment plan provided some improvement, the headaches affected his ability to do his job which required focus, concentration and an outgoing personality.

He could no longer do his job and filed for Long Term Disability benefits. Despite medical records clearly documenting the severity of the headaches, CIGNA denied the application for benefits. Left with no options and a lack of income to support his family, he hired Fields Law. The attorneys at Fields Law engaged his doctors, assembled medical records and reports, and filed a successful, favorable appeal. To our client’s great relief, the disability payments and back pay were issued and he could now meet the financial needs of his family and continue with his treatment plans with the hopes of resolving his medical condition and returning to full-time work.