Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against CIGNA

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against CIGNA.

We've got you covered

Rhonda – Project Director – Cincinnati, Ohio

Back Pain, Radiculopathy, Complications from Hip Replacement

A project director from Ohio began feeling pain and numbness following a hip replacement. She was unable to stay in one position and suffered from severe pain. Her doctor diagnosed her with a damaged femoral nerve and recommended she stop working. She received Long Term Disability benefits for a few months, but then CIGNA stopped payments, saying that she did not submit enough evidence of her inability to work. She sent an appeal with additional medical records to no avail.

Worried about her lost income, she contacted Fields Law Firm for help with the next step. Our support team obtained medical records from all our client’s doctors. The Fields Law attorneys drafted a strong appeal to CIGNA using the updated medical records and in-depth legal research. In the face of this new evidence, CIGNA changed its mind. Our client received a large lump-sum for backpay as well as ongoing monthly benefits.

Pamela – Specimen Processer – Sharpsburg, North Carolina

Bilateral Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Spinal Stenosis, Lyme Disease

A 48-year-old woman from North Carolina suffered from several disabilities including bilateral carpel tunnel syndrome, spinal stenosis, and Lyme disease. As a Specimen Processor, she was required to stand for long periods of time, use her hands and wrists, delicately handle blood samples, bacteria cultures and bodily organs, none of which was possible with quivering hands and extreme pain. She received Short Term Disability benefits, but the application for Long Term Disability was denied.

She then hired Fields Law Firm to appeal the denial and our attorneys requested supportive medical reports from her rheumatologist, orthopedist and longtime family physician. The medical report requests were designed to have each doctor answer the right questions relating to the client’s disability, and to explain why she was unable to do her job as a specimen processor. The doctors responded with highly supportive reports clearly showing that our client was disabled and unable to work.

After a brief but careful review, the insurer reversed its denial and awarded Long Term Disability benefits to our client, who will now receive the much-needed Long Term Disability payments to help her get better and hopefully return to the workforce.

Holly – Electrical Assembler – Albuquerque, New Mexico

Lumbosacral Radiculopathy, Anxiety, Crohn’s Colitis, Syncopal Episodes

An electrical assembler in New Mexico became disabled in the early 2000’s. She submitted a claim to her Long Term Disability insurer. They paid her for almost two decades, when suddenly and without warning they denied the claim. CIGNA stated the woman was able to return to gainful employment.

Not sure what she should do, she found Fields Law Firm. Our attorneys requested a detailed narrative report from the primary care provider. The report and additional medical evidence were submitted with a memorandum of law arguing our client’s case. CIGNA reversed their decision and paid all past-due benefits. Our client was thankful for the hard work of Fields Law and the favorable decision.