Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against CIGNA
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against CIGNA.
Robert – Mechanic – Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania
Back Pain, Sciatica
A man from Pennsylvania who worked as a mechanic suffered from severe back pain and sciatica. The pain prevented him from performing his job as a fleet mechanic for US Foods. He applied for Long Term Disability benefits, but CIGNA denied his claim stating that the medical information did not show that he was physically limited.
Clearly unable to work in his condition, he found Fields Law. The attorneys at Fields Law began reviewing the entire file from CIGNA and the report from their doctor. When the review was completed, we updated medical records and obtained statements from our client’s orthopedist. With the updated records and reports, our attorneys then drafted a winning appeal, causing CIGNA to revise their decision and reinstated the client’s monthly benefits. Our client was so thankful to get his benefits back and relieved that he would no longer have to worry about supporting himself and his family.
Derek – Conveyor Mechanic Assistant – Milford, Pennsylvania
Back Pain, Collapsed Arches in Feet
A conveyor maintenance mechanic from Pennsylvania injured his back at work. His job required clearing conveyor belts of obstructions and debris, as well as repairing the belts as needed. One day he had to lift a 100-pound box of wire as part of a repair project. He injured his back and the pain was so severe that he was forced to stop working. He applied for Long Term Disability benefits through work but was denied.
Worried about his loss of income, he contacted Fields Law for assistance. Our attorneys immediately contacted the insurance company for a copy of the claim file and asked our client’s doctors for medical records. The insurance company did not thoroughly review the medical record before making their decision. Our attorneys sent a strong appeal to the insurer, citing specific reports from doctors who said our client could not return to work. The insurance company overturned their denial and our client is receiving his monthly benefits again.
Harvy – Business Development Manager – Ada, Oklahoma
Complications from Back Surgeries, Radiculopathy
A business development manager for US Foods had back surgery. After surgery he developed radiating pain and was eventually diagnosed with Radiculopathy. He could not work due to his symptoms and his insurer approved his initial request for Long Term Disability benefits. Four months later, despite knowing that the manager was scheduled for an upcoming invasive surgery, CIGNA terminated benefits. The insurance company hired a physical therapist who determined that the manager could still work despite his symptoms.
Exasperated with the denial decision and worried about the upcoming expenses from surgery, he contacted Fields Law Firm to assist with his appeal. The attorneys worked with our client’s doctors to obtain all treatment records, and hired a vocational expert to report on how our client’s condition made returning to work impossible. As a result of the strong evidence submitted on appeal, our client received back-pay and had his benefits reinstated.