Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against CIGNA
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against CIGNA.
Pam – Administrative Assistant – Warrenton, Virginia
Post-Concussion Syndrome
An Administrative Manager was forced to leave work when she suffered a traumatic brain injury with post-concussion syndrome. Her symptoms resulted in ophthalmological issues, migraines, depression, and anxiety. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits, which were denied by CIGNA from the outset.
Unsure of what to do, she hired Fields Law Firm to file an appeal. CIGNA failed to handle the appeal fairly and denied our client’s benefits; relying on a doctor report that stated the woman could perform her job as an administrative manager if she limited her computer use to 30 minutes at a time with 15-30 minute breaks. Our attorneys hired a vocational consultant to state there was no chance she could perform her job if she was limited to such short periods of computer use. On the second appeal, CIGNA acknowledged the error and approved our client’s benefits. She was grateful to her attorneys for continuing to fight on her behalf, even after the first appeal denial.
Bryan – Crane Operator – Suffolk, Virginia
Severe Neuropathy, Unsteadiness, Dizziness
A crane operator from Virginia began experiencing numbness in his hands and feet. His job required climbing 140-250 foot ladders to do crane maintenance. Eventually his condition became too severe and he was forced to stop working. His insurer initially approved his claim for Long Term Disability benefits. He received benefits for about two years until suddenly his insurer said he no longer fit their definition of “disabled.”
Worried about his lost income, the crane operator contacted Fields Law for assistance with an appeal. The attorneys at Fields Law contacted all three of his treating physicians to obtain detailed reports of our client’s condition. They reviewed the claim file from the insurer and found that not all of our client’s symptoms were considered. Our attorneys sent a strong appeal to the insurer that was ultimately approved. Our client received a lump-sum payment for back-pay and was awarded continuing Long Term Disability benefits. He was glad about the decision, and relieved that he no longer had to fight the insurance company.
Edward – Diesel Mechanic – Fruitland, Utah
A diesel mechanic at an oil company became disabled after developing fibromyalgia. Initially, his insurer paid benefits and agreed he was completely disabled. After two years, CIGNA decided to deny benefits, stating that he could return to work at a number of sedentary occupations. He was shocked because CIGNA had treated him fairly in the past.
He decided to hire Fields Law to help him appeal the denial decision. Our attorneys updated our client’s medical records and secured written reports from our client’s treating physicians describing his severe and debilitating symptoms. The appeal was submitted with a substantial legal memorandum arguing that CIGNA ignored the medical evidence supporting our client’s disability. Our client’s benefits were reinstated shortly thereafter, along with a large back pay check.