Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against CIGNA
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against CIGNA.
Christopher – Engineering Technician – St. Croix Falls, Minnesota
Degenerative Disc Disease, Fibromyalgia, Crohns Disease
An insurance company discontinued Long Term Disability benefits of a long time public service employee and military veteran without notifying him. He never received a call or a denial letter from the insurer. He was totally blindsided and had no idea how they could possibly think he was able to work.
Fields Law helped secure the claim file, searched for justification regarding the discontinued benefits, and appealed the decision. Our attorneys requested a comprehensive report from the claimant’s treating doctor outlining the many reasons why full-time work was not an option for our client. The insurer re-instated benefits and awarded our client with all the back pay he was entitled to under the policy.
Yvette – Customer Service Representative – Port Heron, Michigan
Pulmonary Fibrosis
A woman from Michigan suffered from severe pulmonary fibrosis, a condition that makes the simple act of breathing difficult. Her condition was so severe that she had been recommended for a lung transplant. This condition made it impossible for her to work in any capacity. Her insurance company accepted her claim and paid Short Term Disability benefits. The insurer later denied her claim for Long Term Disability benefits stating that she had the capacity to perform her own occupation.
Not knowing how to fight the insurance company, she reached out to Fields Law. The attorneys at Fields Law began by updating our client’s medical records to provide the full scope of the client’s condition. Once the records were compiled, her attorney drafted a winning appeal which led the insurance company to overturn their denial and reinstate her benefits. Our client felt a huge sense of relief that she would once again have a steady source of income to support herself.
Cindy – Customer Care Specialist – Rockland, Maine
Bulging Discs with Cysts, Chronic Back Pain, Right Foraminal Narrowing, Nerve Root Compression, Hip Pain
A Customer Care Specialist from Maine was forced to end her career due to disabling medical conditions. Initially, she was approved for Long Term Disability benefits, which she received for a few months. When CIGNA abruptly terminated her benefits, she reached out to Fields Law Firm for assistance.
Our team immediately began working to appeal the termination of benefits. The extensive volume of medical records, testimonies from our client’s physicians, and other important information gathered by our team put pressure on CIGNA to reverse their decision. After providing CIGNA with significant evidence supporting our client’s disability claim, the appeal was successful, and CIGNA reinstated our client’s future benefits and sent her all of the backpay she was owed from the date of termination.