Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Arizona
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Arizona.
Richard – Home Theater Install Technician – Mesa, Arizona
Chronic Back Pain, Neck Pain
A Home Theater Install Technician was unable to continue working due to disabling low back pain. Based on his disabilities, and his inability to work, he applied for Long Term Disability benefits, which were approved. He received benefits until his Long Term Disability claim was terminated by a letter. In the denial letter, it stated, without considering the claimant’s current and progressing disabilities, he was able to perform the essential duties of Any Occupation.
The Fields Law attorneys collected all the medical records and opinions of our client’s doctors and submitted a comprehensive appeal. After receiving the appeal, The Hartford was forced to agree our client was disabled and reinstated benefits immediately.
Paula – Direct Home Care Worker – Glendale, Arizona
Uncontrolled Type II Diabetes, Autonomic and Peripheral Neuropathy, Gastroparesis, Chronic Ulcers
A Home Care Worker had suffered from Type II diabetes for years, but was never able to control her disease. She eventually developed severe complications with her diabetes including widespread neuropathy and gastroparesis. Unable to continue working, she applied for Long Term Disability benefits. Unfortunately, the insurance company denied her claim.
Not wanting to appeal the decision herself, she retained Fields Law to fight for her benefits. The Fields Law team gathered all of her updated medical records from her providers. The attorneys also wrote to several of her doctors and were able to secure two functional capacity assessments from her primary physicians. After writing a detailed appeal that was critical of the points raised in the denial letter, her attorneys submitted the appeal for the insurer’s consideration. Upon review, the insurance company overturned their prior denial, issued back benefits and reinstated ongoing payments.