Short & Long Term Disability Lawsuit Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability litigation experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability lawsuit case wins.

We've got you covered

Gladys – Insurance Claims Adjuster – Miami Gardens, Florida

Degenerative Disc Disease, Radiculopathy, Carpal Tunnel

An insurance claims adjuster from Florida had carpal tunnel syndrome and mild back pain. The pain in her back increased and she received treatments and physical therapy. A doctor diagnosed her with a degenerative disc disorder. She also had carpal tunnel syndrome in her wrists that she had controlled with splints on her hands at night.

She started to feel alternating pain and numbness in her right hand and eventually she lost nearly all of her grip strength in her right hand. Combined with her intensifying back pain, the symptoms caused her to stop working a year later. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits and was denied. The insurance company did an independent evaluation of her condition and said that despite being only able to occasionally lift 3 pounds, she was able to work. She appealed the decision and was denied again, despite pointing out that she was receiving social security disability benefits.

Upset by the decision, she contacted Fields Law for help. The attorneys at Fields Law reviewed the case file and determined their analysis of the independent evaluation was faulty. Our attorneys promptly filed a federal lawsuit against the insurer to fight for our client’s rights. During preparations for trial, our attorneys negotiated a lump-sum settlement with the insurance company which our client accepted.

Barbara – Compliance Analyst – Boynton Beach, Florida

Breast Cancer, Shoulder Tendinitis, Back Pain

A compliance analyst had to stop working when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits and was approved. After receiving weekly radiation treatments and undergoing a lumpectomy, her cancer went into remission. Shortly after her radiation treatments ended, she had a car accident which severely injured her shoulder. The insurance company denied benefits saying that she no longer fit their definition of disabled. She appealed the decision but the denial stood.

Unable to use her right arm at all and worried about her lost income, she called Fields Law for assistance. Our attorneys combed through the medical records and the insurance company’s file. Our team called our client’s physicians and obtained updated reports. Fields Law Firm submitted a second appeal for our client, but the insurance company didn’t reverse their decision. Our attorneys filed a lawsuit in federal court and during preparation for a hearing, we negotiated a generous lump-sum settlement. Our client was able to get the funding she needed to continue a comfortable way of life.

Rosemarie – Day Care Director – Woodbury, Connecticut

Myalgia, Myofascial Pain, Cervical Spondylosis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Fatigue, Hodgkin Lymphoma

A Day Care Director became disabled with myalgia, myofascial pain, cervical spondylosis, degenerative disc disease, fatigue, and Hodgkin lymphoma. She elected to apply for Long Term Disability benefits as a return to working was not in her imminent future. She was initially approved for Long Term Disability benefits by the insurance carrier. However, the insurance carrier terminated her Long Term Disability benefits, indicating no more benefits were payable because she no longer met the definition of Total Disability.

The Fields Law attorneys were retained to appeal the insurance carrier’s decision to terminate her disability benefits. Despite an all-inclusive and comprehensive appeal, the insurance carrier decided to continue to uphold its prior decision to terminate benefits. Not satisfied with this response, we submitted a second appeal. The insurance carrier was still not convinced and decided to continue to uphold its prior decisions to terminate benefits. Our attorneys knew the insurance carrier’s decisions to terminate our client’s benefits were riddled with federal law violations and decided to file a lawsuit in federal court to object to the insurance carrier’s actions.

Just weeks after filing the lawsuit, our attorneys were contacted by the legal counsel for the insurance carrier and informed that they wanted to resolve the case quickly and amicably. After some persuasive negotiations, the case settled, and our client received a nice resolution.