Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against The Hartford

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against The Hartford.

We've got you covered

Paul – Site Supervisor – Green Bay, Wisconsin

Severe Back Pain, Neuropathy, Radiculopathy

An energy site Supervisor from Green Bay, Wisconsin suffered from severe radiating back pain and neuropathy in his extremities. His conditions made work impossible. He applied for Long Term Disability through his employer’s insurance plan and started receiving benefits. Aftert two years, the insurance company stopped paying because they said he could return to work at a different job.

Worried for his lost income and unable to suddenly change careers, he contacted Fields Law for help. Our team obtained the claim file from the insurance company and found that the insurer overlooked key medical records. The Fields Law attorneys obtained updated expert opinions from our client’s doctors as well as vocational experts and drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company. The insurance company changed their mind based on the strength of our arguments and our client received a lump-sum payment for back pay as well as ongoing monthly benefits. He was happy to have won against the insurance company, and pleased that he hired Fields Law for help.

Sue – Hotel Manager – Renton, Washington

Myasthenia Gravis, Thyoma

A hotel manager became disabled after developing a rare neuromuscular disorder and an associated form of cancer. Her capacity for performing her fast-paced, highly skilled job were severely impaired. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits and received them for about two years. However, The Hartford decided her conditions were not severe enough to rule out working at a sitting or sedentary-type job. She was shocked because she often had trouble even keeping her balance while sitting for short periods of time.

Worried about how to proceed, she hired Fields Law Firm to file an appeal on her behalf. We collected medical records and narrative reports to show a complete and holistic view of the claimant’s conditions, restrictions, and limitations. The Fields Law attorneys referred our client to a functional capacity evaluation to show that she was unable to perform any type of work. The medical documentation was submitted with a legal memorandum arguing our client’s case under federal case law and regulations. After a brief review, The Hartford reversed its decision to deny benefits and started paying our client’s claim.

Scott – Sales Route Driver – Roanoke, Virginia

Degenerative Disc Disorder with Radiculopathy, Spinal Stenosis, Spondylosis, Polyneuropathy, Hypertension, Chronic Neuropathy

A delivery driver in Roanoke, Virginia applied for and received Short Term Disability benefits from an insurance policy provided by his employer. However, when he was supposed to transition to Long Term Disability benefits, the insurance company denied him. The insurer claimed that he was capable of performing the essential duties of his own occupation and based its determination on the opinion of a doctor that had never met him.

He was very upset that the insurance company had ignored the opinions of his own doctors and cut-off his only source of income. He retained Fields Law Firm and our attorneys reached out to our client’s doctors, collected updated medical records, and drafted a winning appeal. The insurance company could not ignore the evidence submitted by the team at Fields Law and approved our client’s Long Term Disability benefits, sending him a large backpay check.