Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in New York

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in New York.

We've got you covered

Melissa – Registered Nurse – Henrietta, New York

Severe Back Pain with Radiation, Endometriosis, Interspatial Cystipis, Hyper Mobile Joints, Anxiety, Depression

A New York woman had worked as a Registered Nurse for many years. As is common in the practice of nursing, she developed severe back pain, with radiation. She also developed Endometriosis, Interspatial Cystipis, Hyper Mobile Joints, anxiety, and depression. Upon her disablement, and after being forced to leave work, she applied for Long Term Disability benefits from her insurance carrier. The insurer denied her claim for benefits, and she appealed their decision herself. However, the insurer again denied her claim for benefits, claiming her medical information did not support functional limitations which would prevent her from performing her Own Occupation on a full-time basis.

She knew she needed help fighting the insurance company, but she felt like she was running out of options. After researching all of the top disability law firms, she selected Fields Law Firm. She was immediately put into contact with our team of attorneys. After gathering some initial information from our client, our attorneys determined she was in a position to file a federal lawsuit against the insurer.

Our team of legal professionals petitioned the insurer for necessary information. The insurer returned reams of documents related to our client’s disability case, which our attorneys reviewed before filing the lawsuit. After several months of back and forth with the insurance company’s lawyers, the Fields Law team was able to secure a settlement in our client’s favor. The insurer agreed to pay a lump-sum amount, and our client soon received a settlement check in the mail.

Carol – Bank Teller – Schenectady, New York

Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

A bank teller from New York was experiencing depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. She was increasingly anxious at work and her condition deteriorated to the point where work was impossible. She stopped working and entered in-patient treatment for her depression. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits based on a physician’s recommendation that she would not be able to work in her condition. The insurer denied the claim she submitted and her subsequent appeal.

After the insurance company twice disregarded the opinion of her treating physician, she called Fields Law for help. Our attorneys reviewed our client’s extensive medical record and determined that the insurer had ignored key medical reports throughout the process, and never conducted a medical examination of their own. The Fields Law attorneys filed a lawsuit in federal court to pursue benefits for our client. During the preparations for trial, our attorneys were able to negotiate a generous settlement for our client which included back-pay of benefits and continuing Long Term Disability benefits. Our client was relieved that she could focus on her own health, and happy with the settlement she received.

Stacy – Compliance Manager – Manorville, New York

Vestibular Dysfunction, Superior Oblique Palsy, Meniere’s Disease, Dizziness, Vertigo, Migraines

A Compliance Manager from New York had a job that required constant computer screen time, resulting in debilitating migraines and vertigo. She was approved for and received Short Term Disability benefits, which ran from her date of disability, through the time it was exhausted. After the expiration of her Short Term benefits, she became eligible for Long Term Disability benefits from her policy’s carrier. She was initially approved; however, Unum terminated her Long Term benefits indicating no benefits were payable. Unum felt there were no physical examination or diagnostic test findings that indicate she would lack the capacity to perform her occupation as a Compliance Manager and that Meniere’s Disease generally does not prevent most patients from working.

Upset at her sudden loss of income, she called Fields Law Firm for help. The attorneys at Fields Law contacted our client’s doctors to compile reports of all of her symptoms and treatments. Unum hired their own independent doctor to review the case, and after a more thorough review, they overturned their prior decision and paid our client all of the back benefits she was entitled to.