Mining-Related Work Injuries
Mining is a large part of Minnesota’s economy, and thousands of miners work in iron ore and taconite, copper, nickel, and other mines throughout the state. Unfortunately, the Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies mining as a dangerous industry, and reports that miners are more likely than other employees to suffer serious on-the-job injuries and illnesses.
If you or a loved one got hurt or sick while working a mining job, the Workers’ Compensation attorneys at Fields Law Firm are here for you. We know the time after you’re injured can be confusing, and you may be unsure of what to do next. But we can give you advice and information to make the right decision for your future.
It costs nothing to get answers to your questions –
Common Mining Injuries
Although mining work can cause many types of injuries, some of the most common our attorneys see in our clients include:
- Fire and Burn Injuries
Mines often produce large amounts of explosive gas, which can become trapped. Mechanical or worker errors can cause this gas to ignite and explode, burning any miners in the vicinity. - Crushing Injuries
Constant digging and detonations in mines, along with instability of the ground above, can sometimes cause parts of mines to collapse. Workers who are in the affected areas may become trapped and suffer serious crushing injuries or may even be killed. - Lung Injuries
Incidences of mesothelioma, a rare cancer that forms in the lining of the lungs, have been reported by mining industry workers in the Iron Range. Taconite workers and their families have raised concerns about the relationship of mining to mesothelioma and other respiratory diseases.
Help is Available for Your Mining Injuries
At Fields Law, we were founded by a desire to help injured workers after on-the-job accidents. Now, we’re one of the largest and most respected work injury law firms in Minnesota. No matter how your mining injury occurred, you can count on our entire legal team to give you confidential and effective advice gathered during our years of experience.